10. The King’s Grave, Sweden

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Constructed during the Nordic Bronze Age, this is an “unusually grand” double burial tomb from about 3,000 years ago.
9. Naveta des Tudons, Spain

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Built 3,200 years ago and discovered
in 1975, this tomb contains at least one hundred men and their prized
possessions, like bronze bracelets and ceramic buttons.
8. Treasury of Atreus, Greece

Via johnjmcgraw.com
This tomb was constructed during the
Bronze Age, over 3,250 years ago. For over a thousand years it contained
the tallest and widest dome in the world, until the completion of the
7. Caral, Peru

Via cba.k-state.edu
A large ancient settlement in Peru, currently the oldest known city in the Americas, constructed in over 4,600 years ago.
6. Pyramid of Djoser, Egypt

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Built to contain Pharaoh Djoser after
his death almost 4,700 years ago, the complex is the oldest stone-cut
construction in the world.
5. Hulbjerg Jættestue, Denmark

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Built 5,000 years ago, when this
burial was discovered, there were forty individuals inside, one of which
showed some of the earliest examples of dentistry work.
4. Newgrange, Ireland

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A prehistoric monument and the oldest building in Ireland, built circa 5,100 years ago.
3. Monte d’Accoddi, Italy

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Built somewhere in-between 5,200-4,800 years ago, this remarkably preserved building was either a temple or an altar.
2. Knap of Howar, Scotland

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Originally part of a farmstead, this
is the oldest stone house in Europe, standing since 3,500-3,100BC, or up
to 5,500 years ago.
1. Megalithic Temples of Malta

Via en.wikipedia.org
These free-standing structures were
all used as religious temples, and are the oldest of their kind in the
world, constructed between 3,500-2,500BC, also over 5,500 years ago.
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